What is a Safety Advisory Group?
If you have ever planned or helped organise an event, you might have encountered Safety Advisory Groups (SAGs). A Safety Advisory Group is a nationally recognised assembly of multiple agencies and the event organiser, aimed at supporting the planning, execution, and review of events.
Coordination and Scope: SAGs are typically coordinated by a Local Authority (LA) and can be specific to an event or location but generally operate within LA areas. They provide a forum for discussing and advising on public safety at events, helping organizers with planning and management, and fostering cooperation among all relevant agencies.
Role and Responsibilities: The SAG advises event organisers on safety matters that need further consideration, explaining their reasons. It is the event organiser’s responsibility to take appropriate action based on this advice. The guidance provided by the SAG will be proportionate to the event’s risk profile.
Legal Powers: SAGs do not have legal powers or responsibilities and cannot approve or prohibit events. The principal legal duties for ensuring public safety remain with the event organisers and others involved in the event.

Attendance and Obligations: Attendance at SAG meetings by event organisers may be voluntary, though landowners may require an organiser to cooperate with a SAG if the event is invited to engage with it as a condition for using their land. The landowner cannot rely on the SAG process to discharge their own legal duties and as a means of due diligence, however if an event is invited to attend the SAG, then the landowner will also be invited to hear the advice/guidance/information given.
The ELESAG is administered and chaired by Magna Vitae, with members including Environmental Health, Building Control, Police, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance Service, Highways, Emergency Planning, and the Environment Agency. Other agencies may be invited based on the specific needs and risks of an event.
Defining an Event: There are debates about what constitutes an “event,” but generally, if people are gathering in an area because of an activity you are putting on, then you are responsible for them in some way or another and are likely to be seen as organizing an event. The number of attendees and the nature of the event will determine the level of event management and planning required. While this may seem daunting, the SAG is there to support you.

Aspire to Be Drop in Sessions
Coastal Centre, Victoria Rd, Mablethorpe LN12 2AQ

Aspire to Be Drop in Sessions
Marisco Medical Practice, Stanley Ave, Mablethorpe LN12 1DP

Aspire to Be Drop in Sessions
Marisco Medical Practice, Stanley Ave, Mablethorpe LN12 1DP