Everything is still subject to change at this moment in time. The MV charity is endeavouring to keep you as informed as we can.
At present all membership (DD) remains frozen and money is not being taken from your accounts. Annual memberships will be extended by the days the venue has been closed, once you return to use the venue.
We only need you to confirm reactivation of your payments to enable the booking slot system we have developed to function properly at this stage.
We will inform you when we are due to start taking payments again in due course.
There will be a period of grace when you first start back, where no payment is taken at all. This will cover off previous days lost in March when the lockdown started and hopefully a little more to say thank you for coming back so quickly.
The charity is trying to be as reasonable as possible in this regard. We hope that you agree, this has been a difficult time for many.
Please be minded you are all valued customers, you have been a loyal customer as you have not cancelled & we truly respect this. With this in mind, we have worked incredibly hard to get to a position where it is safe to open for staff and our members. At this time, without your continued support the charity would find it very difficult to continue to operate and provide any service, more especially delivering to the quality standard to which you have become accustomed over the years.
Your membership matters to us, hopefully you can see and appreciate the lengths we have gone to, & the measures we have taken, to ensure your safe use when you return.
We have developed an online booking portal, the gym can now be joined via this system and you can also book & cancel group exercise sessions via this system.
We have introduced a variety of virtual offers through TV.FIT for you to use whilst we have been closed so that members can keep their bodies and minds healthy. This offer has been extended and will now continue through until September 20th even when once we have reopened.
Our own experienced and qualified staff have also started using Facebook Live to provide virtual workouts “live” and also as a recorded “back catalogue” in more recent weeks. You can now exercise with us any time & anywhere!!
As a local charity we rely on our community, your buy-in and support, this is so so important to us right now. We appreciate that your health has never been more important!!