Ready to boost your family’s fruit and veg intake or tackle picky eating with ease?

Join Gloji Energy | One You Lincolnshire for a FREE 12-week family programme helping families to make healthy habits simple and enjoyable for the whole family!

Want to know more?

Starting from Wednesday 15th January:
Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Location: Station Leisure & Learning Centre, Mablethorpe
What’s in store?
For the kids: 45 minutes of FUN physical activities, basic cooking, freebies, and a Gloji Energy workbook packed with games, recipes, and more!
For the adults: Time with a Gloji Energy coach to dive into topics like balanced eating, managing fussy eaters, screen time tips, sleep routines, and so much more.
Sign up below and a friendly team member will reach out with all the info you need!
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