Hello and Welcome to our Swimming Lesson Portal. In our Home Portal you can:

  • View any achievements such as badges and certificates;
  • View the current assessment criteria for the current stage your child is in;
  • Receive notifications of when your child is ready to move up to the next stage and the ability to choose from the available times to move them into depending on availability;
  • Have a record of all assessments and pass dates for each stage and their progression through the Waterwise course.

How to check progress?

If your child is already on lessons you will firstly need to register with us on our Home Portal. To register you will need the green MV card that your child brings to their swimming lessons every week, their date of birth and either the email address or postcode that is related to that account. If you have more than one child on our swimming lessons, you will need their details as well. A full video on how you are able to do this is below or view the how to guide here:


Once you have registered for our Home Portal you are then able to access your child(ren) details. To see what you are able to view and access please watch the video below.

If you do have any problems with your login details or need to update your records,  please contact reception at your venue.

Horncastle Pool & Fitness Suite
Meridian Leisure Centre
Skegness swimming pool page

If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.